This Blog contains themes and discussions of an adult nature!

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Please note, my blog contains themes and discussions of an adult nature. If you are easily offended by that please do not read any further!


Saturday 29 June 2019

Sunday 9 June 2019

Teresa May

Howdy out there in Bondageland.

The UK Prime Minister has resigned and is now the caretaker until the next one gets elected. Yes it is all she is good for; wearing a brown overcoat like Arkwright and sweeping the floor with an old broom with a fag hanging off her bottom lip. 

Now if the PM had taken the trousers down of her own front and back benchers and paddled there bottoms with a carpet brush she may have been a better politician, and not despised for being weak and totally ineffective!

Teresa May the politician has been a wet useless fool trying to push a deal through parliament four times. Each time she was slaughtered. A deal that supposedly would do no good for the British people.

To me, a no deal means that we can now sit back and organise our own affairs and when we decide what the hell this country finally needs, we can then go back to the table and get what we want and not what the Europeans want. For Euroland, this seems to be access to our fishing places to maul and our money in their pot to pay all the European parliamentarians pensions and expense bills to name just a few points that the electorate seem to think is whats going on over there.

The good thing is there is another Teresa May on the scene. And yes she has met the politician too.
She was a model of the 90s and early 2000s and did bondage and domination. Far be it for me to keep this lady from you.

Now on to the pretty pictures.

Emma x