This Blog contains themes and discussions of an adult nature!

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Please note, my blog contains themes and discussions of an adult nature. If you are easily offended by that please do not read any further!


Wednesday 20 November 2019

The Pear of Anguish or the Choke Pear

The Pear of Anguish or the Choke Pear is a supposed medieval torture device used on women should they have induced a miscarriage; homosexuals; or for liars and blasphemers.

The reason I say supposed is the device itself. It twists, opening the four leaves stretching open the vagina or anal passage. The device has been questioned in its validity due to the complexity of the work to make it. Whether it was really made in the medieval times of the middle ages or much later in the sixteen hundreds still has the experts in dispute. Some experts also suspect the folding parts of the mechanism of the early devices would not have been strong enough not to break in its usage.

Liars and blasphemers would have had the devise placed in the mouth and opened causing intense pain in the jaw. 

The device would never have been washed so a considerable amount of infection would have taken place. The leaves of the device may have had spiked ends or flared outwards, causing the ripping and rupturing of the anal and vaginal cavities.  The device would not have killed you out right, but the victims would have died in agony over several days.
Here endeth the history lesson;  so  enjoy the bondage!
In next weeks lesson we will discuss the rack.
Emma xxx

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